That we are not "weird" but that we are different. That has its reasons and it's okay. 
We all know an individual from our surroundings who are characterized by significantly high intelligence and many above-average abilities. These tend to be very good verbal skills, persuasive or unconventional arguments, a fast personal pace or tireless concentration on problem-solving. They often have significant analytical or technical competencies, quickly understand connections and come up with innovations. You state a problem, and they already see three possible solutions and two obstacles preventing it.
However, many studies have revealed that it is not only individuals with high intelligence (i.e. with a greater ability to analyze problems and solve them). It turns out that here we are facing people with different functioning and setting of psychological functions.
Gifted individuals score in the highest bands on intelligence tests. They can solve logical and analytical tasks very well and quickly. It is typical for them: speed (in thinking, speaking, expressing) depth of analysis (they also see problems and relationships that are less obvious or completely incomprehensible to many) tolerance of a different point of view (e.g. sees a problem from two sides at the same time, seemingly opposite) and the very force with which this world of ideas, arguments, theories, and analyzes attracts them.
Intellectual challenges and tasks are a powerful source of motivation for gifted individuals. These people are characterized by a strong imagination, they learn quickly and like to, and they have a good memory. They are often fascinated by words, and speech, and use non-traditional concepts and language.
The negative side can be a tendency to overanalyze things at the expense of real activity, excessive lingering in the mental world, perfectionism and disillusionment with the lack of real own results. They often suffer from isolation or relationship problems or conflicts, which can be caused by many aspects: misunderstanding of their own difference, considering intelligence as a key aspect in the evaluation of a person and the related arrogance, inability or unwillingness of those around them to accept individuals with higher intellectual abilities.
Non-conformity and originality in thinking and acting This area include the ability to create unusual solutions, attitudes and opinions. The bearers of these qualities are often highly independent persons and original thinkers who – if they find a suitable application and a favourable environment – have very good or revolutionary results in their field thanks to this innovativeness (scientists, analysts, innovative managers, entrepreneurs, inventors, artists). Hand in hand with originality and unusualness also goes the enthusiasm and strength with which they are determined to promote their opinions and innovations.
The negative aspects of this area are also related to this - conflict, non-recognition of authority, extremism in disputes, revealing real causes and motives in situations where this is not socially expected, etc. It is only very difficult for some types of gifted people to accept the opinions and decisions of others (e.g. superiors ), which they believe to be poorly thought out or wrong.
The world of thoughts and opinions (and the reasons behind them), their appropriateness and validity are often more fundamental to these people than the social aspects of situations. Therefore, they don't behave the way most other people expect them to behave. Rather than accepting a superior's bad decision, they will express their opinion and take the attitude of "I will not create conflict", "I will not draw attention to myself", and "it is not appropriate now".
High perceptivity means faster and deeper processing of stimuli. These individuals are very sensitive to certain types of perceptions, which they perceive in terms of other people's standards to be incomprehensible.
This can manifest itself both in a positive way (very good ear for music, strong artistic talent, creativity), so on the negative side (hypersensitivity to certain sensations, sounds - e.g. inability to fall asleep when the clock is ticking, inability to concentrate under the pressure of uncomfortable clothing, high sensitivity to smells in the environment, etc.).
It means increased sensitivity to emotions, certain feelings and emotional judgment. Gifted individuals are often people who internally experience (or, depending on their personality type, also show externally) very strong feelings and emotions, whether they accompany interpersonal communication, external activities and activities, or rational analysis and evaluation. They often know and experience strong emotional swings or conflicting emotions.
They usually have a very strong sense of humour (sometimes unusual) and often retain a playful, creative, fascinated child's view of the world and its beauties. On the positive side, they can use these abilities for very good motivation of others, for argumentation and persuasion, for self-motivation and also for very good real results in their field (e.g. art, design, marketing, PR, pedagogy, working with people, etc.).
High moral standards This area is closely related to high sensitivity. Gifted people show strong feelings not only towards other people and themselves but also towards ideas, values and moral standards. Thus, they can evaluate situations they consider immoral much more strongly and more extremely, even though in the judgment of other people such behaviour often still falls into the permissible "grey zone".
These high moral standards can mean great potential for self-performance, example, and motivating and leading others—such people become leaders as moral authorities, not empty rhetoricians. On the negative side, of course, high-value expectations from oneself and one's surroundings can mean conflict, negativism, excessive radicalism, isolation, perfectionism, or experiencing feelings of one's own inadequacy and problems with one's own self-worth.

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